LUMC Global
LUMC Global fosters equal knowledge exchange and partnerships worldwide, guided by a clear strategy and local needs. Through the LUMC Global Community and Global Health Hub, we amplify LUMC’s global impact in healthcare, education and research, ensuring innovation flows both to and from Leiden. Our professionals, with diverse perspectives and ethical integrity, are committed to making a meaningful impact in an interconnected world.

News & Updates
On the news page of our website you can find updates on our projects and news articles on exciting findings and events within our project.

LUMC and University of Birmingham Collaboration – a combined masters
The LUMC will offer a combined master together with the University of Birmingham from September 2025. The combined master consists of courses from the master Population Health Management (PHM) of the LUMC and the master Public Health of the University of Birmingham. This international collaboration fits within the ambition of the Health Campus (and the LUMC) to expand the academic activities within Population Health and PHM. This collaboration is part of the strategic collaboration between Leiden University and the University of Birmingham

Progress in FAIR Data Points
The LUMC’s ambition to make data FAIR (Findable, Accessible under well-defined conditions, Interoperable, and Reusable) has led to the creation of a FAIR Data Point.

Journeys Abroad: LUMC Students Share Their Exchange Experiences
In this fifth edition of the LUMC Global interview series, 5 (bio)medical students of LUMC share their stories about their time abroad. They share their experiences and tell us about their challenges and how these shaped their academic journey!
Annual Conferences
Various Meetups in Different Cities
Interesting collaborations

Una Europa FAIR Data Hackaton
image by freepik
FAIR data – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable – streamlines data sharing. It enhances transparency, supports cross-disciplinary research, and minimises duplication. Although applicable to all research areas, FAIR data principles are especially impactful in healthcare, environmental science, and policymaking, enabling a unified, sustainable approach to data management on a European and global scale.

WINNER 2024, Sep 24 – 26
Join Our Session: From Communicable to Non-Communicable Disease Transition – 25th of September from 9.00-10.15 (CET)
Opportunities to Provide Better Health and Well-Being

FAIR Data, FAIR Africa -Internationalisation of the Health Data Space
27 August 2024, 09:00 – 18:30
Leiden University Medical Center
Join us in this exciting Conference on ‘FAIR Data, FAIR Africa – Internationalisation of the Health Data Space!’
We are happy to announce keynote speaker H.E. Fortune Charumbira, President of the AU Pan African Parliament who will speak about “Empowerment through Digital Data Ownership in Africa”.

LUMC FAIR data-training Summercourse 2024
19 – 28 august 2024
Leiden University Medical Center and Online

LUMC symposium: “Wondzorg – Verbinding”
Be aware! This symposium is in Dutch
Wondverzorging is de dagelijkse praktijk van verpleegkundigen en verzorgenden.
Het lijkt zo vanzelfsprekend, daarom kan het goed zijn er eens wat langer stil bij te blijven staan. Tijdens het symposium Wondzorg – Verbinding staan daarom de vele aspecten van wondverzorging centraal.

Health Holland – Events
Top Sector Life Sciences & Health: for vital citizens in a healthy economy
Health Holland organizes numerous events throughout the year that cater to the interests of individuals, companies and institutions active in the Life Sciences sector. Visit their website for a detailed overview!

Regression Analysis 2024
This course considers both theoretical backgrounds and practical aspects of modeling data with regression models. The focus is on linear and logistic regression models, although other models, like Poisson models or non linear regression models for continuous data will also be discussed.
DIA Europe 2024
The “Drug Information Association” (DIA) is a international organization that brings together professionals from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries, as well as regulators, academics, and other stakeholders involved in the discovery, development, and lifecycle management of medical products.

LUMC symposium: “Betere zorg voor ouderen”
Be aware! This symposium is in Dutch!
Deze dag staat in het teken van de zorg voor de oudere patiënt.
Het symposium zal zich richten op een scala aan onderwerpen variërend van algemene zorg voor de oudere patiënt, polyfarmacie, chronische ziekten en bijkomende problematiek en palliatieve zorg komen aan bod. Verder zal dieper ingegaan worden op gedragsproblemen bij ouderen, inclusief ongeremd seksueel gedrag en psychiatrie. Tenslotte worden verschillende mogelijkheden voor nazorg besproken.