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LUMC Global

LUMC Global is a platform for international connectivity in research, education and care. The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) aims to improve healthcare and the health of all people by focusing on international (medical) innovation. 

This strong international focus helps us to further optimize and innovate care for patients based on leading research and innovative education. We hope this will ultimately benefit the entire field of medicine.


News & Updates

On the news page of our website you can find updates on our projects and news articles on exciting findings and events within our project.

Breakthrough Research Unveils New Insights into Hookworm Immunity

July 16, 2024

We are excited to announce the publication of the latest joint research between Universitas Indonesia and Leiden University Medical Center in Nature Communications!

Visit of the Indonesian Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin to the LUMC

June 18, 2024

On may 29th, the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) had the honor of receiving the Indonesian Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, and two attachés from the Indonesian embassy. The visit was all about collaboration in the fields of healthcare, education and research.

Jogchum Beltman: From Tropical Doctor in Malawi to Gynecologist-Oncologist in Leiden 

July 13, 2024

In the fourth edition in our “Faces Behind LUMC Global” series, Dr. Jogchum Beltman, a gynecologist-oncologist at LUMC brings us back to the early days of his career as a tropical doctor in Malawi and his current work as a medical specialist. A story about his experiences and the challenges he faced in this exciting field. 


  • Annual Conferences

  • Various Meetups in Different Cities
  • Interesting collaborations

LUMC symposium: “Wondzorg – Verbinding”

2 February 2024

Be aware! This symposium is in Dutch

Wondverzorging is de dagelijkse praktijk van verpleegkundigen en verzorgenden.
Het lijkt zo vanzelfsprekend, daarom kan het goed zijn er eens wat langer stil bij te blijven staan. Tijdens het symposium Wondzorg – Verbinding staan daarom de vele aspecten van wondverzorging centraal.

Health Holland – Events


Top Sector Life Sciences & Health: for vital citizens in a healthy economy

Health Holland organizes numerous events throughout the year that cater to the interests of individuals, companies and institutions active in the Life Sciences sector. Visit their website for a detailed overview!

Regression Analysis 2024

04 March 2024

This course considers both theoretical backgrounds and practical aspects of modeling data with regression models. The focus is on linear and logistic regression models, although other models, like Poisson models or non linear regression models for continuous data will also be discussed.

International Conference Alerts


International Conference Alerts serves as an indispensable tool for professionals and academics seeking to stay informed about upcoming global life science conferences! See their website for more information and don’t miss out on any event.

DIA Europe 2024

12-14 March 2024, Brussels, Belgium

The “Drug Information Association” (DIA) is a international organization that brings together professionals from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries, as well as regulators, academics, and other stakeholders involved in the discovery, development, and lifecycle management of medical products.

LUMC symposium: “Betere zorg voor ouderen”

19 March 2024

Be aware! This symposium is in Dutch!

Deze dag staat in het teken van de zorg voor de oudere patiënt.

Het symposium zal zich richten op een scala aan onderwerpen variërend van algemene zorg voor de oudere patiënt, polyfarmacie, chronische ziekten en bijkomende problematiek en palliatieve zorg komen aan bod. Verder zal dieper ingegaan worden op gedragsproblemen bij ouderen, inclusief ongeremd seksueel gedrag en psychiatrie. Tenslotte worden verschillende mogelijkheden voor nazorg besproken. 

LUMC Career Zone

Several events organized from January till May

LUMC Career Service offers advice on questions about career orientation, internships, job application skills, doubts about your study programme or choosing your master degree.

Symposium | Translating Rare Disease Research into a Therapy

Tuesday 26 March, 2024

On Tuesday 26 March the LUMC will host a symposium entitled Translating Rare Disease Research into a Therapy, which is an initiative from the Termeer foundation, Health Holland and Hollandbio.

Meta Analysis 2024

26 March 2024

This course provides a broad overview of topics in meta-analysis. Most standard topics in meta-analysis will be covered, such as risk of bias analysis, searching studies, fixed versus random effect models, heterogeneity, publication bias, differences between meta-analysis of randomized trials and meta-analysis observational studies.

Statistical Aspects of Clinical Trials 2024

8 April 2024

In this 2,5 day course, the design and analysis of clinical trials will be considered from a biostatistical/methodological perspective.