The LUMC Global platform is an essential part of our goal to innovate and improve healthcare. We actively seek out opportunities for international collaboration and foster and further build upon existing international partnerships.
As an innovator, the LUMC stands for the continuous improvement of healthcare and the health of all people. As a knowledge institute with a strong international focus, we realise this mission by achieving optimal and innovative care for patients based on leading research and innovative education.
LUMC’s geographical location in Leiden Science City is exceptionally favourable. Western Europe is one of the leading regions in the world in Life Sciences & Health, with a high concentration of knowledge-intensive institutions. The province of South Holland, with its large concentration of companies in the Leiden Bio Science Park and the Medical Delta, is internationally recognised as an essential player in Life Sciences & Health.
Here, public and private parties work together on important (bio)medical and technological innovations and care renewal. We are always looking for regional, European and international connections with partners that are complementary to our objectives and that add value to improving and innovating global care, health and medicine.
Mission & Vision
LUMC Global is a platform for international connectivity in research, education and care. We reach out, stimulate, consolidate, and streamline multilateral initiatives that will generate the future leaders in health science. These leaders will transcend borders.
Our medical centre not only excels in (bio)medical education and research, but also in innovative care provision and technology. This provides us with a unique profile to make a global impact on improving healthcare and the health of all people. LUMC Global is, thus, an essential part of the organisation’s main strategy.
The LUMC Global program has already contributed to numerous initiatives for global outreach and international collaboration and connection. This way, we aim to benefit all parties involved and, ultimately, the field of medicine as a whole.

Eurolife summer school DATAETHICS 2022 Barcelona
From July 4 till 8, the Universitat de Barcelona organized the in-person DATAETHICS summer school within the Eurolife consortium, which the LUMC is a part of. LUMC contributed to the summer school in a small part in organizing the summer school, but mostly by involving LUMC speakers in the programme.

Global impact in health symposium May, 2022
On May 30th, international experts and politicians gathered in Leiden to discuss global health issues. Lively discussions were held on matters concerning equal worldwide access to vaccines and diversity within clinical research. New scientific insights were also shared, including on vaccine response differences between African and European populations.
During the Global Impact in Health Symposium forces were joined with Leiden University, Health~Holland, Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), Janssen, Philips and the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP). The aim was to bring together international experts and to stimulate new collaborations. Experts not only came from all over the world, but also from different branches, such as academia, politics, public or private sector.

Eurolife winter school DATAETHICS January 2022
From the 24th till the 28th of January, the LUMC organized the Data Ethics winter school on behalf of the Eurolife consortium, an international, European network consisting of 9 European universities. The network focuses predominantly on biomedical sciences, but also related subjects in the field of Life Sciences & Health.
We are very proud of the amazing success of the winter school and the exciting responses we’ve had from students. Students learned about the ethical dilemmas surrounding the use and implementation of data and AI models in (bio)medical practice.

Multiple community events
LUMC Global has organized and will organize several community events with colleagues from Leiden to discuss possibilities for collaboration on specific topics and with specific institutes and countries on a broad range of (bio)medical topics.

LUMC Global communicates!
By setting up multiple communication platforms for LUMC Global, we can further work on reaching our goal of increasing our international exposure and connections. Since our set up, LUMC Global has reached thousands of people online with its publications and has gained thousands of followers on both Twitter and LinkedIn.

CSC Fair 2021
The China Scholarship Council (CSC) fair is focused on recruiting top-tier aspiring PhD students. The LUMC had a strong representation at 2021’s virtual CSC fair.
The LUMC Global platform facilitated the attending delegates in the setup and offered support with all enquiries surrounding the fair.

Collaboration Delft Global, Hogeschool Leiden and LUMC Global
What makes a healthy residential neighbourhood? In recent times, this question has unsurprisingly gained relevance in both healthcare, and urban planning and design sectors. Can interdisciplinary research shed new light on the relation between housing conditions and vulnerability to pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2? Medical and architecture students engaged in the globally oriented programme initiated by the Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft (TUD-BK), Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and Leiden Centre for Applied Bioscience (LCAB). The resulting pilot study was the first of its kind and provided a valuable experience for both students and mentors.

8 Global PhDs
As many as eight Global PhD projects have been initiated, collaborating with students from and institutes in Brazil, Indonesia, Tanzania, Belgium, Sweden and Ethiopia.
Through these Global PhD projects we aim to strengthen LUMC’s international position and international relations, but most of all, these collaborations help us to contribute to global health(care) challenges.

Repositioning the LUMC International Office
The LUMC is restructuring its collaborative efforts with international partners in student mobility. Furthermore, communication channels and activities have been set up, rearranged or newly positioned to strengthen the visibility of the LUMC International Office and professionalize its services. One of the outcomes is our new promotional video!

Involvement in multiple LUMC summer schools 2021
The LUMC Global team has offered support to multiple colleagues and LUMC teams organizing international summer schools, like the TechMed summer school and the ‘Leiden-Brazil Data science in health & disease online’ summer school.

Expert webinar Innovations in Fetal Therapy
April 15th, 2021 marked a very special day for LUMC Global as we hosted the Innovations in Fetal Therapy webinar with our Obstetrics and Gynecology department. We welcomed over 280 attendees who witnessed the royal distinction of Prof. Dick Oepkes for his outstanding career in Fetal Therapy and his contributions to the field. You can view the recording of the event here.
Read the article about Dick Oepkes’ distinction here (Dutch).

LIMSC 2021 Online
LUMC Global helped the organizing committee of the Leiden International (Bio)Medical Student Conference (LIMSC) to promote 2021’s completely online edition of the event due to COVID-19. Global team member Evelien Hack also presented at the LIMSC on student exchange opportunities at the LUMC.

CSC Fair 2020
The China Scholarship Council (CSC) fair is focused on recruiting top-tier aspiring PhD students. The LUMC had a strong representation at 2020’s virtual CSC fair.
The LUMC Global platform facilitated the attending delegates in the setup and offered support with all enquiries surrounding the fair.
& Contact
Get in touch! We are constantly looking for new connections to join us in collaborative efforts to improve healthcare and people’s health globally.
Should you have any questions or ideas, you can reach us via
You can also follow us on social media.

Suze Kruisheer
“Our goal is to consolidate and expand meaningful international partnerships”

Maria Yazdanbakhsh
“Science has no borders”

Pieter de Koning
“International collaboration is more than joint research projects: you learn about other cultures and make new friends”

Sascha Wanna

Jacqueline Ton
“Diversity is a prerequisite for local and worldwide societal impact. Internationalization leads to diversity.”

Ellis Nieveen
“Internationalisation is an essential building block for innovation, to bring about change through transferable skills, creativity and ambition”

Gonny Pasaribu

Sem Teeken
“Passionate about Global Health”