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Join the Indonesian WINNER Event 26-28 October, 2021

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October 12, 2021

This WINNER (Week of Indonesia Netherlands Education and Research) event is a follow-up of the Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS), January 2021, and explores forms of cooperation between and within nations to make climate adaptation work for everyone, with a focus on Indonesia and the Netherlands. We will build on the successful international establishment of the Adaptation Action Agenda with high level keynotes. Then, two forms of Indonesia – Netherlands collaboration in urban and rural areas will be highlighted. Finally, we dive into the prerequisites for successful climate adaptation in a session focused on a priority for both the Netherlands and Indonesia: water resilience.

We will build on the successful international establishment of the Adaptation Action Agenda with high level keynotes. Then, two forms of Indonesia – Netherlands collaboration in urban and rural areas will be highlighted. Finally, we dive into the prerequisites for successful climate adaptation in a session focused on a priority for both the Netherlands and Indonesia: water resilience.

The WINNER 2021 conference includes contributions from the Ministers of Education of Indonesia and the Netherlands: Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim and Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven; keynote speeches from pioneering scientists: Dr. Dwinita Lasarati and Prof. Lisa Becking.

Invitation for Matchmaking

The matchmaking session provides the opportunity for both Indonesian and Dutch government agencies, researchers, Non-Government Organisations, potential investors, entrepreneurs, or even education enthusiasts to introduce their ideas for collaboration- and/or their research projects to search for partners. More information:

Call for Posters

The WINNER Committee is inviting you to take part in the Poster Session by presenting research outcomes or highlighting innovative practices that are aligned with the conference’s overarching theme “Innovation for the SDGs: Education and Research Collaboration towards the future.” Deadline: 15 October. More information:

Virtual Expo Study in Indonesia (For students)

Indonesian HEIs will showcase their institutions in the Study in Indonesia Expo. Join the expo to explore higher education in Indonesia and English-taught study programmes or possible research opportunities for international students, focusing on Dutch students. It is also intended for Indonesian HEIs that have (prior) partnerships with Dutch HEIs and an established International (Relations) Office.

More information:

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Read more about the event here