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LUMC Global Community Meeting: China

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July 5, 2021

On June 23rd, we organized the first LUMC Global Community Meeting on establishing successful Sino-Dutch collaborations in (bio)medical research and education.

With broad presence of LUMC professors, researchers, educational staff and researchers from the science faculty of Leiden University, and diplomatic staff of the Dutch Embassy and Consulates in China, we discussed current developments in research & education, R&D, funding opportunities and research ethics in China.

Nico Sciettekatte shared information about the Sino-Dutch (Suzhou) Science and Technology Innovation Park, a park that offers ample opportunity for international collaboration in China. Read more here:

Annemarie Montulet revealed what it means that China is one of our university’s strategic focus countries, what support is offered and how to approach the topic of knowledge safety in relation to international collaborations. Did you know about this checklist for collaboration with Chinese knowledge institutes?

Furthermore, Yun Tian, Baoxu Pang and Peter ten Dijke proved to be great sources of knowledge and support for anyone taking their first steps in either finding a Chinese PhD or establishing broader institutional collaborations.

Want to learn more about some of the interesting subjects discussed in the meeting? Contact us via

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