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TU Delft | Global Initiative and LUMC Global kick off the new Interdisciplinary Research Workshop ‘Housing and Health’

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October 11, 2021

Together with the TU Delft | Global Initiative, LUMC Global has set up a collaborative research workshop which kicks off today. Students enrolled in the workshop will partake in a study to primarily analyze the correlation between spatial conditions of residential neighbourhoods and buildings, and health. They will develop a comparative analysis of two neighbourhoods in The Hague.

The course will run from October 11th till November 12th and will give students the opportunity to collaborate interdisciplinary on a relevant societal research project. Students from TUD, LUMC and LCAB (Leiden Centre for Applied Bioscience) will join forces and conduct fieldwork at community houses in specifically selected neighbourhoods in The Hague. Fieldwork will include recruiting residents to participate in the study, data collection and interviews, the collection of air samples and result analysis using the 5 dimensions on the Leefbarometer.

The collaborative educational initiative between LUMC and TU Delft hopefully marks the first of many and we’re thrilled to have initiated this project together. The interdisciplinary approach is set to cross borders in the future once the pandemic allows it, but we’re very proud to have started this project locally, letting students contribute to research projects that will hopefully benefit global healthcare.

“Our students and teachers are so brave to take on this exciting challenge!”, says Prof Maria Yazdanbakhsh, chair of the LUMC Global initiative and one of the initiators of the project. “Without the medical and social sciences we can’t make sense of what we’re doing when we’re thinking about how to design houses and cities”, adds Prof Dick van Gameren, dean of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment and allied with the TU Delft | Global Initiative. “To make sense of our design work we need to work together with all the other disciplines around us.”

We will follow the progress of the students in the coming weeks and share their insights. Stay tuned!


Want to learn more about this project or other TU Delft | Global Initiative or LUMC Global projects? You can contact us respectively through or

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