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LUMC Global & HypoVax Global Workshop

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November 15, 2023

ECTMIH Academy, Sunday 19 November 2023, 14:00 – 15:30, Social Impact Factory Utrecht

Partnerships are a core element of Global Health research. Partnerships can be organized in a bilateral or multilateral structure, either geared towards an individual research project or focused on institutional-level collaborations. There may be many other forms of partnerships you can think of; be it between research groups only or including public and private partners. A ‘knowledge hub’ is the more complex type of partnership through which, according to the World Bank (2013) institutions or networks are dedicated to capture, share and exchange development experiences with national and international partners in order to accelerate development.

For a knowledge hub to be truly global and effectively respond to global health challenges, we are convinced it should also be equitable. But what does that mean in practice?

Take the global health challenge towards better performance of vaccines worldwide. There is an urgent need to find the specific factors driving differences in immune responses to vaccines. The newly set-up HypoVax Global Knowledge hub aims to tackle the problem of vaccine hyporesponsiveness by creating a platform that mobilises global researchers working in diverse fields related to vaccines to form a strong network focused on the Global South.

Inspired by this example, we will, together with young researchers from around the world, tackle the steps and components required to develop a global health focused knowledge hub with global relevance. You can still join us during the ECTMIH2023 pre-conference ECTMIH Academy and register through this link!

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